Monday, February 22, 2010


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare
-picked up from Leisure by William Henry Davis

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye. New aspirations, new goals, new challenges, new acquaintances, new way of living life.. A lot changed around me, a lot changed about me.. for my good of-course. Its been soooo long time since I even visited my blog. It makes me really sad and angry on myself. Whatever happened to the dedication I vowed to have towards my blog? I guess priorities change... I do not know where to begin but here is whats happening with me now.. like really NOW

  • Surviving the winter in Connecticut (its not too bad this year.. I had seen more storms last year) and waiting for the next season.. change is always good :D
  • Co-authoring another blog. When asked if I wanted to be a part, I accepted gladly, no questions asked because.. you guessed it right, its about FOOD, but this time with a healthier twist :) Who would have thought I would actually say the H-(healthy) word.. ha ha! Anyways you are always welcome to pay an visit and leave a comment/suggestion on the blog. Its called 'Green Tea with Brownies' on
  • Experimenting occasional cooking and baking on my dutiful ever-so-encouraging husband :)
  • Waiting to take a break from my routine and wanting to try something new and fun.

I have to go now but have loads to catch up and can not wait so see ya around :)

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